March 8, 2023
The main issue our media team runs into when using Presenter is a lack of formatting options in the slides cue. We use slides multiple times a week and there are a few options that would make making slides and presenting them much more convenient and useful.
First, there is no option for line spacing. Currently, if the font size is set to 80 it keeps the line spacing appropriate for 80 when you change the font size to 60 creating large blank spaces across the screen.
Second, there are no guides or snap-to-guides. Currently, we have to haphazardly place or move the text box until it looks centered.
Finally, when we go to the Font drop-down box, there is no preview for the font, so, unless we know the exact font we want, we have to search through them clicking and testing them until we find the one we want.
Overall, Presenter is very user-friendly which is helpful for our team who are all volunteers.
Thank you,