July 23, 2022
I would like to request that the Slide functions in Presenter be enhanced with convenience, as if we're also using a trusted presentation software. I'm trying to migrate our message slides from Powerpoint to Slides so that our pastor can see the points better using the Stage Display. I'm also hoping to use Slides for our Announcements, making it easier as well for our presiders to read details without compromising the quality of our visuals.
1) So far, it's been difficult copy-pasting the points since every time I paste on Presenter, the font of the text when pasted is different from the selected font of the box/template, so I had to select again my preferred font. Doing it for every box and every slide is kind of tedious. I hope this can be resolved so that copy-pasting will go more smoothly.
2) Also, it seems that sometimes it's hard to select the box for editing. Even if I double-click it many times, the text in the box does not get highlighted. There's also no ability to select all in the text by using Ctrl+A or Ctrl+ Shift + up/down arrow. There may be some bugs in these functions that need to be troubleshooted.
3) May I suggest too that the software allows in-house, own-made templates in the Templates folder of Slides, which currently cater to WT Pro templates?
4) Lastly, if possible, how about allowing to add photos/clip art independently, without having to be a part of our cloud storage?
I think such features will make preparations and presentations in services more convenient. Thank you and God bless WT more! :)
October 7, 2022
#2 has been fixed recently
#3 is possible, it's just not housed in the same part of the app. When you're in the Slides Editor, your slide deck is on the right. If you right-click on any of those, you can save it as a template (including text formatting and images). Once saved, you can select it as a template for new slides you create.
#4 is also possible. You still need to import it into your Media Library but you can remove it from the cloud by clicking on the "i" that appears when you hover over it in the Media Library. However, you'll want that item saved to the cloud if you're accessing the slides from multiple computers.
There is also this option -
https://www.worshiptools.com/en-us/docs/47-auto-sync - if you want everything kept off the cloud by default.