November 29, 2022
Does anyone know if there is a specific setup for a USB type clicker that will advance slides? I see answers saying it's easy to do but none saying how. Anyone?
November 30, 2022
We used a clicker last Sunday for the presentation linked to the sermon. There was no specific set-up required; I just plug the receiver into a USB port and the speaker pressed the buttons as required.
It is a Windows PC (currently Win 11 but previously we were on Win 10). The clicker is a R400 Wireless Presenter Remote (https://www.logitech.com/en-gb/products/presenters/r400-wireless-presenter.910-001356.html), which has served us well for several years.
November 30, 2022
The instructions for configuration will vary by the actual clicker device. Keep in mind that some clickers may not be configurable.
When configuring the clicker, we recommend setting the left and right buttons to the next & previous slides keyboard shortcuts. If the clicker has up and down arrows, set them to the next and previous cue keyboard shortcuts.