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Notifications being sent to all team leaders

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February 25, 2022
I'd like to use Planning to invite and schedule users for several different serving teams at my church. (Worship Team, Tech Team, Communion servers, ushers, cleaning team, etc). But right now the team leaders for each group would receive notifications from users in all teams. Is there a way to setup Planning so the team leader would receive only notifications from their team? As the Worship Leader, i don't need to know who is accepting invites to clean the church. The team leader in charge of scheduling ushers does not need to know who is cleaning the church or playing piano, etc etc etc.
Posted by Jeff
February 27, 2022
Yea definitely, this needs to improve...
Posted by Monte
March 22, 2022
I think this goes along with your request. Is there a way for you to add that kind of a feature in the next update where if someone's roles is "Worship Leader" for a service that they can add songs to a service, but not get all the notifications?
Posted by Lisa
October 31, 2023
PLEASE implement this! Improve notifications so team leaders can choose which groups they get notified about! This is so obnoxious that it might be a deal breaker to sell this system to my church. I'm not sure I can get 10 different team leaders on board with getting 30 notification emails every week! MUST-ADD!!
Posted by Aaron
March 26, 2024
We also have different schedulers who schedule just for their own teams in Planning. This feature would be a great value to our church. It would be good to give schedulers more specific permissions to schedule only for roles they've been assigned access to, and also to receive notifications for acceptance/denial of only those assigned roles. Anything else is irrelevant for them.
Posted by Shore
September 11, 2024
In agreement with everyone, hoping this feature will be available in the very near future, it will be a game changer for schedulers, shifting through all notifications to find those that are relevant to the team I schedule is a bit of a pain.
Posted by Mandy
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