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Song Export feature?

May 4, 2024
Wow! That's dedication. We certainly tailor to our preferred order, number of repeats etc. Also correct to British spelling where necessary ('Saviour' probably being the most regular correction). We prefer to get an entire verse or chorus on a slide if possible - don't understand this two lines per slide thing at all - and we remove most of the "oh Yeahs" and "oh, oh, ohs".

And I hate centred text with a passion... always left justified.

All that said, I can normally customise a song downloaded from Song Select in about 5 minutes, but with around 200 songs (and growing) that our leaders still like to draw from, that's quite a bit of time. What you're doing though is next level and you wouldn't want to lose that effort.

A simple report or export facility, from a database which must exist, just seems like a no-brainer to me.
Posted by Marc
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