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Control Devices via MIDI

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December 11, 2018
I know there's a feature request to be able to control slides via MIDI in Worship Extreme, but to add to that.. be able to control light and sound boards via MIDI from Worship Extreme. To be able to set a light cue on the first slide of a song to change the lights would be awesome. 
Posted by Ryan
November 24, 2021
This would be awesome! Is it still under consideration?
Posted by Pat
December 31, 2021
Definitely a must feature! WE needs to be able to control a light setup managed by Lightkey Software by example. This would definitely elevate the experience and functionality of WE. Please go beyond the consideration phase (it’s been 3 years already).
Posted by avivamiento
October 24, 2022
I would also like to see this implemented. In fact, being able to send a MIDI note from any slide (with intensity) would allow me to not only control the lighting scene (QLC+), but also change the background on the media wall. This is currently supported in Pro Presenter and is probably the last feature we need before fully changing over to Presenter.
Posted by Evan
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