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Account and Setup

Reset Your Password

If you cannot get into your account, please reset your password [here}( After you submit the form, you should receive an email with a button to reset the password. Click the button and enter your new password on the next page. Please note that the link to reset your password will expire at the date and time listed below the button in the email so you will want to reset your password before then. If the link expires, start the process over to trigger a new link.

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If you do not receive this email in your inbox, please check your Junk or Spam folder.

If you receive an email that says, "A request has been submitted to reset the password for your WorshipTools login. Unfortunately, a user login was not found for [your email address]," this means one of two things. 1. You don't have a login with us at all yet and will need to create one. 2. The email address you're trying to reset the password for is not the original email you registered with us. If you manage multiple email addresses (for example, you might have an inbox with Gmail and another one for Yahoo), please try signing in again with one of you your other email addresses until you figure out the one that you do have on file with us.

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