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"Show All Items" View Option

In Planning, you can customize which items are displayed across the different WorshipTools programs.

First, open up a Planning service and find the ⚙ gear icon under the Order tab. Then click the checkbox for Show All Items. Planning will then display icons representing Planning, Presenter, and Charts next to each item in your service. Simply click the icons beside a particular item to show/hide that item on the respective app.

In the example image above, the song "I Surrender All" is toggled on for Planning, Presenter, and Charts, as indicated by the red, green, and blue icons, respectively. This means that "I Surrender All" will show up on the service order on any of the three apps.

However, the icons beside "Welcome and Prayer" and "Announcements" are greyed out. This means that these items are hidden from both the Planning and Presenter service order. So, now, if you uncheck the Show All Items box, you'll notice that those two particular items disappear from the service order. To show them again, just go back and click on the icons to toggle viewing back on.

Note: there is no Charts icon for "Welcome and Prayer" and "Announcements" because Charts only shows songs.

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