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Account and Setup

Deleting Your Account

If you create an account by accident or no longer want to keep an existing account, you can terminate the account.

  1. Sign in to your online WorshipTools account
  2. If you have more than one account tied to your login, click on the account you wish to delete from the top of the lefthand menu. Otherwise, skip this step
  3. With the correct account selected, click on the Plan tab and find "Terminate '[your account name]'"
  4. Click and confirm that you'd like to terminate the account

Once an account is terminated, there is no way to undo the termination or salvage any files or information that used to be on the account. Please double-check that you are terminating the correct account before confirming the deletion.

In order to terminate an account, you must be an Org Admin. To delete a user from our records, please contact our support team.

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