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Services and Service Items

Intro to Services and Items

In Presenter, two of the main building blocks that you will work with are Services and service items.

A service item refers to each program item that will be presented to your audience during a particular service. An item can be a single piece of media, such as an image, video, or motion graphic, or it can be a set of slides, such as a set of song lyrics, sermon slides, announcement slides, and/or Scripture excerpts.

The service is your entire service presentation, organized by item in the order of presentation. You will want to create a new WorshipTools service for each service that your ministry holds. If you need to reference past services, select Services from the top menu on Presenter.

Cue List.png

When you open a service, it will open on the very left pane of Presenter. In the example image above, the service consists of 6 service items. When you select an item from the service, in this case, "Amazing Grace," you'll see the full slide set for that item on the right. The green box around the "Verse 1a" slide indicates that that slide is currently selected and being displayed to the audience. You can also reference the preview pane in the very bottom left corner, under the service order, to see what's currently being projected to the audience.

Service data will sync across all three WorshipTools apps. To learn more about how editing a service in Planning translates into Presenter, please check out this article: Service Order

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