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Check if Media items are Saved to the Cloud

WorshipTools Presenter is a cloud-based church presentation app. This means that you (and the other users on your account) can work on your service presentations from any computer as long as you are connected to a reliable network. All service data, including songs, Scripture, and media, is synced to the different computers via the Internet automatically.

If you're not sure if your media is being synced across the computers, you can check this in Presenter on the original computer that that media file was imported into Presenter from.

Open up your Presenter Media Library, and click on the "i" icon that appears when you hover over each media item. On the following pop-up window, you'll see a line that says "Saved in Cloud" followed by a "yes" or "no," If the file is marked "yes," then the file is saved in the cloud and being synced to the other computers. If it is marked "no," you can click the green "Upload" link to send it to the cloud and to your other computers.



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