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Managing Rehearsal Materials

All music-related materials for a given service will be housed under the Rehearse tab, making it easy for the worship team to find everything for a given service in one place. To get there, go to Services from the left Planning menu, open up a service, and click Rehearse right below the service details.

On the left, you can view lyrics, chords, and PDFs for songs just as you would in Charts. To view different types of materials, simply tap the title of the song at the top, and click on the current source. To make edits to the song's details, lyrics, chords, or media files, tap the title at the top and then click Edit Song. This will take you to the song's page in Planning.

On the right will be any media files that you linked to this song. For each song, you can link videos from YouTube, link audio from Spotify or Apple Music, or upload .mp3s files. To do this, click *Edit Song as mentioned above, or manually navigate to the song from the Planning > Songs page. There, you'll find a "Media" section where you can manage these files. Make sure to save changes so that these files are then accessible back on the Rehearse tab.

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