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Unavailable Dates

In the Planning app, users can block out dates during which they are not available to serve.

For Users: Submitting Unavailable Dates

From your Planning Dashboard, click "Unavailable Dates." On the next page, you'll find a spot to submit your dates. Submit multiple dates by clicking +Add Dates. Once you Save, your submitted dates will be viewable to anyone with Editor permissions or higher.

For Editors and Admins: Submitting Dates for Users

Editors and Admins can also submit Unavailable Dates on behalf of users. To do so, open the user's Profile from the Planning People page, click "Edit" in the top right corner, submit the dates, and "Save." Once saved, users will see these dates on their personal Profile page, and also be able to edit them if needed.

If the user is linked to multiple accounts, dates submitted by an Editor or Admin will only affect the current account.

For Schedulers, Editors and Admins: Scheduling with Unavailable Dates

When scheduling people for a service, you'll notice that names are greyed out for people with Unavailable Dates that conflict with the service dates. You can still select them, but you'll get a pop-up window to confirm that you are scheduling someone who has listed themselves as unavailable. The user may still Accept or Decline the role.

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