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Intro to People

Once the roles are set up for the account, you can add staff and volunteers to your Planning team. We recommend setting roles and groups first so that these are ready to be applied to each user when they are added, so go ahead to complete that if you haven't already. Please note that the People page and its subpages are only accessible to users with Editor permissions or higher, so you'll need the proper permission levels to follow along with the instructions in this article.

To start, click People from the left menu to find a list of all the users that are registered for your ministry's WorshipTools account. Here, you can glance at each person's assigned roles and permission levels. Make sure each user has their proper roles assigned so that you can schedule them onto a service for those roles successfully. To learn how to manage users, you can reference this doc: Managing Users.

View and Filter Options

There are a couple of different ways to view your list of people. If you're looking for a particular person, use the search bar at the top to search the person's name.

To view by role or group, use the table on the left. The table shows all the groups you have set up for your ministry. The number to the right indicates how many people are assigned one or more roles under that group. You can select a group from this list to see all the users that are a part of that group, and you can even filter further to view by specific roles as well. 

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