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Miscellaneous Features

When Running the MIDI Controller and Presenter on the Same Computer

When running your MIDI controller on the same computer as Presenter, you'll need to manually add your local computer to the session's Directory and Participants, as these will be empty when you first create your MIDI session.

  1. Click the + plus button under Directory.
  2. On the following pop-up window, you can put down anything you'd like for Name. For Host, make sure to type in localhost – all lowercase letters, with no spaces. The Port will automatically be filled and should match Port on the previous window. When these are all filled, click OK.
    *If you're running the controller and Presenter on two separate computers/devices, the other device should automatically populate under Participants, but if it doesn't, follow these steps with the other computer's IP address instead of "localhost."
  3. Then, you'll see your newly added item under the Directory. From there, select the item to highlight it, and then click Connect.
  4. Once you've done that, you'll see two items added to the Participants box, and now you're all set to start controlling Presenter with your other MIDI program.
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